Payment methods

Expand reach with WeChat Pay, the popular Chinese digital e-wallet

WeChat Pay is part of China's WeChat and is the second-largest e-wallet in China. This payment function allows you to link credit or debit cards to the WeChat app. Previously, only Chinese consumers could use the e-wallet. Now, consumers whose cards are issued by Mastercard, JCB and Visa can also use WeChat Pay. Together with Alipay, both providers account for 80% of all online mobile payments in China.

Transaction costs

€ 0,25


€ 0,25


+ 2,94%
Add to online shop
  • Excellent customer service
    Help when you need it

  • Clear rates
    Only pay for successful transactions

  • 40+ other popular payment methods
    We help you choose the right payment methods

Get started with WeChat Pay in 4 steps

Create account

An account is completely free, you only pay per transaction.

Install free plugins

Consult the knowledge base or contact our support department.

Provide details

Additional details are required to complete your account.

Receive payments

Payments on your website are now possible, good luck with your online shop!

Advantages of WeChat Pay

  • Expand your reach in China and from other WeChat Pay users

  • High conversion rate

  • A guaranteed payment, no chargebacks possible

  • Pay via quick scan or QR code

  • Real-time transactions, instantly visible

  • Popular in the retail and tourism industries

How does it work?

To pay with WeChat Pay, the consumer first links a credit card or debit bank account to the e-wallet. The consumer can then pay via both desktop and laptop. A WeChat Pay QR code is displayed in the checkout or payment page. Consumers scan this QR code from the screen with their mobile phone. They will then be asked to log into the WeChat Pay account to approve the transaction. Payments are debited automatically.

The e-wallet payment method is included as standard in Buckaroo Smart Checkout and in Buckaroo's plugins. If you want to implement WeChat Pay yourself, you can use an SDK.

Get started with Buckaroo

  • Excellent customer service
    Help when you need it

  • Clear rates
    Only pay for successful transactions

  • 40+ popular payment methods
    We help you choose the right payment methods



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