Payment methods

Pay easily and quickly with iDEAL in3 spread payment

With in3, customers pay off easily in three instalments with 0% interest and no BKR registration. This payment method is a great solution for more expensive purchases such as electronics, furniture or when buying a bicycle or scooter. With in3 spread payments, you will increase the conversion of your online shop by 15% and the average order amount by 72%. As an online merchant, you don't have to finance anything and you can count on a 100% payment guarantee.

Transaction costs

€ 1,02


+ 3,99%
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  • Clear rates
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  • 40+ other popular payment methods
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Get started with iDeal In3 in 4 steps

Create account

An account is completely free, you only pay per transaction.

Install free plugins

Consult the knowledge base or contact our support department.

Provide details

Additional details are required to complete your account.

Receive payments

Payments on your website are now possible, good luck with your online shop!

Advantages of iDEAL in3

  • Instant online acceptance

  • Guaranteed payout within 15 days

  • Set the minimum and maximum order amount yourself at Buckaroo

How does iDEAL In3 work?

The customer selects in3 at checkout while the system performs a quick real-time data check. After acceptance, the customer pays the first instalment immediately, the second instalment within 30 days and the third instalment within 60 days with no interest or BKR registration.

Because payment is made within the statutory 90-day period, no AFM licence is required and credit registration with BKR is not mandatory. An online shop therefore does not have to display the mandatory warning ‘Please note: borrowing money costs money’ to visitors.

Everything about iDEAL in3 in one convenient overview?

Do you want all the information about iDEAL in3 in a clear document? Then download the fact sheet now.

Download iDEAL in3 factsheet

Get started with Buckaroo

  • Excellent customer service
    Help when you need it

  • Clear rates
    Only pay for successful transactions

  • 40+ popular payment methods
    We help you choose the right payment methods



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